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rattlesnake combat dance
bank fishing

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                                                                   JOURNEY TO A RATTLESNAKE DEN  

Timber rattlesnakes are threatened or endangered through most of their range. They are often killed out of ignorance by those who fear them. While they are venomous, and can pose a significant danger if you are bitten, they are by no means aggressive. Because they have been persecuted, their dens are often only found in more remote mountainous areas where few tread. They often den communally, and these remote dens are used habitually by numerous individuals. They also serve as birthing places for their live young in the fall of the year, with females returning to their own birth place to repeat the cycle. This means if you are fortunate enough to locate a den, not only will you have the chance to observe these magnificent snakes, but if it remains undisturbed, you can visit them again. Of course, you'll want to keep these locations a guarded secret, so those who would slay the snakes on sight wont be given that chance. You also want to visit infrequently, as constant disturbance will cause the snakes to search for a new den, and suitable sites can be few and far between. Traveling to find one would also put the snakes at risk. Matt and Michael know this fact well, so they only visit these locations once or twice a year. In this video, they not only head out to an old location, but were fortunate enough to stumble across a new den that had more than twenty individuals using it, and share their video below. Perhaps, if we're lucky, we can talk them into a trip back to the new site this fall, to film some of the females with their young!

                                        FISHING TENNESSEE; THE EXPLORATION CONTINUES  

While they've been able to locate some good fishing in Tennessee, a lot of those trips have been for trout. The trout fishing has been exceptional, but Mike and Dana are starting to get settled in, and want to start exploring the area, and looking for other species of fish. There are a myriad of rivers and lakes near them, filled with a cornucopia of different types of fish. So as summer was getting started, they decided to head out and try a few of them. When you're bank fishing, access can be a problem, but as the area got scouted this spring for turkey hunting, options had presented themselves. Small pull-offs  along waterways on public land were spotted at that time, so they headed off for a few of those to give them a shot. That was the focus of the first summer fishing video they filmed The Exploration Begins. You can find that one by clicking the link. The exploration continues in this video, as they battle the heat of summer. Summer days can make fishing difficult, so they decided to look for locations where cooler waters could be found and enjoyed some good action. The plan is to continue checking new locations to familiarize themselves with the great fishing Tennessee has to offer! We hope they enjoy good luck!

                                                         SALAMANDERS OF VIRGINIA  

Summer can be a great time to get out on a camping trip. While you're enjoying yourself, you can indulge in your favorite outdoor activities. Many times, we'll book a camping trip near a fishing or hunting destination. But if you like looking for reptiles and amphibians as much as Matt and Siobhan do, you'll look for a spot in the mountains of Virginia to see if you can't find a few lifers while you go herping! Salamanders are small, and often overlooked. But the variety and adaptations they have are abundant! They can be water based, land based, or even altitude specific. Click below and join us as we take a look at some of these fascinating creatures uncovered on this recent weekend trip!

                                                                         CHESAPEAKE BAY BLUE CRABS  

One of our favorite summertime activities while we were in Maryland was heading down to the bay and catching blue crabs. When the tides were right, we would head out a few hours before sunrise, and drive down, arriving just as it was getting light to fish for them. Nothing fancy is required, just some string and bait, a steady hand, and a crab net to scoop them up with as you bring them in. They are amazing table fair, and on a good day you can catch a half bushel to fill your steamer pot! We share one of our favorite ways to enjoy the crabs at the end of this video. But blue crab are not only found in Maryland. So if you find yourself near a public pier or a destination they are found, use some of the tips presented in this video to catch yourself some too! Steam them with some sweet corn. You'll be glad you did!

                                                                               SNAKEHEAD AND CATFISH  

Blue crab were not the only thing we fished for on Maryland's Eastern Shore. The invasive snakehead was the target of many summer trips. In fact, they are such good eating that we may even end up heading back that way to get the The Crew together and spend some time fishing for them again. Scroll down  to find a link to a video on preparing these delicious fish for the table, and in this video, you'll find tips on catching them, and great action as we spend a weekend landing a few. If you do get a chance to fish for them, don't pass it up! You'll enjoy a great day on the water that provides fantastic eating too!

                                                                        SUMMER SCOUTING FOR DEER                     

It may seem like you can't see deer season approaching through the heat haze. But don't be fooled. Those cool fall days in a tree waiting for game to appear are closer than you think! Now is the time to head out and do some scouting, double checking those spots that paid off in the past, as well as getting into new locations to see what they have to offer. We will be working on our food plots, trying to improve the attractiveness of our property for deer, and may include a few videos of this process as it gets going. We'll be scouting new ground for those sweet spots on public land too! It never hurts to have options available no matter which way the wind blows, and summer is a great time to scout without having to worry about spooking deer. They'll have long ago forgotten the intrusion by the time the season opens. Use some of the tips presented in this video to get out there and put the odds in your favor this fall!


                                                          SMALL PAN FISH; CATCH, CLEAN, COOK   

Everyone likes to land the big one. But don't overlook those pan fish! Bank fishing for pan fish is a great way to spend a hot summer afternoon. You'll also find you can enjoy a lot more action than if you're trying to land those trophy fish that are few and far between! In this video we head out to the local lake to target bluegill, enjoy some success, and then head back to the ranch to prepare them for a tasty meal with a quick, simple recipe. Fish and game are really good eating, and can really help keep that grocery bill under control. Not only that, you  can enjoy great times and many adventures outdoors with family and friends putting that game and fish on ice. Over the course of time, we've put together a play-list, Recipes Included, you can use this link to access it and find great ways to cook that game and fish. So join us on a fun summer afternoon on the water below, then get out there, and catch a few yourself! 

                JOIN US BELOW FOR A FEW OF OUR PAST                                ADVENTURES, MORE IS ON THEY WAY!!!                

             COOKING SNAKEHEAD              

When we were in Maryland, we always enjoyed a road trip or two over the summer down to the Eastern Shore to catch these invasive fish. We found out that they not only grow large and fight well, but that they are fantastic eating! So we decided to make a video and offer up a recipe. If you are ever near an area where these fish have been introduced, be sure to try fishing for them. Not only will you be doing the environment a favor by removing them, but you're sure to enjoy this firm, sweet meat on your plate. Give it a try!


            WILDERNESS FLYFISHING          

Summer is a great time to take a vacation. It's an even better time to visit places that are foreboding at other times of the year, like Alaska. That's exactly what we did a few years ago. While we did go sightseeing, and visited Denali Park, we also wanted to sample the fishing. So we found a guide who dropped us at a dry cabin in the Alaskan bush for a few days of flyfishing! Be sure to click below and join us as we enjoy fishing for Grayling!

                CHARTER FISHING                    

Charter fishing can be a great way to get out and enjoy a summer day on the water. It can be the goal of your trip, or a sidebar to the family vacation. The Captain's who run these trips supply all the gear and bait you'll need, and want to put you on fish so you'll have a great time and come back to fish with them again. Their local knowledge of the area makes this possible, and you'll enjoy a great day filling the cooler, or practicing catch and release if that's what you prefer! Be sure to consider hiring a guide next time you want to fish an unfamiliar destination! 

charter fishing

                                                                                     HERPING TENNESSEE               
Before Mike and Dana relocated to Tennessee, many trips were taken there as summer vacations. This was part of the reason they decided on the move. The natural beauty of this state is amazing. So of course, there were a few herping trips that took place on those vacations. This video was produced on their first adventure to Tennessee. Many amazing creatures were located, so be sure to click the image and join the gang as they explore the back-country!


Hunting and fishing is a lifestyle many enjoy. These

activities provide delicious, self renewing, non polluting 

fish and game for the table. With that in mind, we created 

a play-list of videos titled Recipes Included, to share

some of the fantastic ways we've found to prepare

the bounty we bring in from the field! As we try new

ones, we'll include them here too! Don't let that tasty 

fish and game languish in your freezer!  Click through and
be sure to give these quick and easy recipes a try!


deer hunting,